Work literature

If you aspire to become part of our team of talented developers, we recommend paying attention to these books. Even if you only read some of them, it will be a great step towards professional growth.

Frontend development

Professional Typescript

B. Cherny

Vue.js in action

E. Hanchett, B. Listone

React. Book of recipes

D. Griffiths

React. Modern templates for application development

A. Banks, E. Porcello

Backend development

Java. Persistence API. Hiberante

K. Bauer, G. King, G. Gerogori

Practice of reactive programming in Spring 5

O. Dokuka, I. Lozinsky

Spring securiy in action

L. Spilka

Spring microservices in action

D. Carnell, I. Sanchez

Desktop development


N. Pokhorenok

Modern Java. Programming Recipes

K. Couzen

Mobile development

Programming for Android

D. Kolisnichenko

Kotlin programming with examples

I. Adelekan

Android User Interface Design

Y. Clifton

Kotlin programming for professionals

D. Skin, D. Greenhal, E. Bailey

Practical Flutter

F. Zammetti

Quick start for a Flutter developer

A. Aleev


Git for the professional programmer

S. Chacon, B. Straub

Linux bible. Comprehensive guide

K. Negus

Java 9 Revealed: For Early Adoption and Migration

K. Sharan

Jenkins 2. Let's get started

B. Laster

Kubernetes in action

M. Luksha

NGINX. Recipe book

D. Jonge

Apache, Kafka. Stream processing and data analysis

N. Narkhid, G. Shapira, T. Palino

Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash and new generation search engines

P. Shukla, Sh. Kumar

Dart in Action

C. Buckett

Using Docker

A. Mouat