Work literature
Frontend development
- Professional Typescript (B. Cherny)
- Vue.js in action (E. Hanchett, B. Listone)
- React. Book of recipes (D. Griffiths)
- React. Modern templates for application development (A. Banks, E. Porcello)
Backend development
- Java. Persistence API. Hiberante (K. Bauer, G. King, G. Gerogori)
- Practice of reactive programming in Spring 5 (O. Dokuka, I. Lozinsky)
- Spring securiy in action (L. Spilka)
- Spring microservices in action (D. Carnell, I. Sanchez)
Desktop development
- JavaFX (N. Pokhorenok)
- Modern Java. Programming Recipes (K. Couzen)
Mobile development
- Programming for Android (D. Kolisnichenko)
- Kotlin programming with examples (I. Adelekan)
- Android User Interface Design (Y. Clifton)
- Kotlin programming for professionals (D. Skin, D. Greenhal, E. Bailey)
- Practical Flutter (F. Zammetti)
- Quick start for a Flutter developer (A. Aleev)
- Git for the professional programmer (S. Chacon, B. Straub)
- Linux bible. Comprehensive guide (K. Negus)
- Java 9 Revealed: For Early Adoption and Migration (K. Sharan)
- Jenkins 2. Let's get started (B. Laster)
- Kubernetes in action (M. Luksha)
- NGINX. Recipe book (D. Jonge)
- Apache, Kafka. Stream processing and data analysis (N. Narkhid, G. Shapira, T. Palino)
- Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash and new generation search engines (P. Shukla, Sh. Kumar)
- Dart in Action (C. Buckett)
- Using Docker (A. Mouat)