Technologies used

  • Frontend development:

    HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Redux, Ant Design, Vitest.

  • Backend development:

    Java EE, Spring, Spring cloud, Spring flux, Spring Integration, Spring Security, Apache Mina, Apache CXF, Thymeleaf, Jersey, Apache Tomcat, EclipseLink, EHCache, GWT, Jetty, JSoup, Selenium, Hibernate, Jackson, Jersey.

  • Desktop development:

    Java SE, Swing, Java FX, Apache Log4j, Google Gson, Google Guava, Google Guice, JUnit, SLF4J.

  • Mobile development:


  • Support (devops):

    Jenkins, Kubernetes, Docker, OpenShift/(k8s), Ansible, Kafka, Vault, S3, Keycloak, Prometheus, Grafana, Bitbucket, Bash, Python, JavaScript, ELK, Groovy, CI/CD.

  • Common:
    • Databases: Mysql, Mariadb, PostgreSQL, Redis.
    • Operating systems: Mac OS, Linux, Windows, Raspberry, Android, iOS.
    • Code Control System: Git.
    • Resource control system and application state: Zabbix, Grafana, Prometheus.
    • Development Environment: Eclipse and others.
    • Web Servers: Nginx.